
Financial Professionals Coalition, Ltd. Offers Historic Clearinghouse of Resources

February 21, 2023

Industry's Disenfranchised Men and Women Now Have Solutions

The Financial Professionals Coalition, Ltd. launched today and is offering free membership to the one-million-plus men and women, financial professionals who power the industry.

The Financial Professionals Coalition was founded by former FINRA Small Firm Governor Stephen Kohn, a 39-year industry veteran, who worked as a registered representative and rose to open his own brokerage firm.

The Coalition is the result of several years of conversations and planning by its Chair Stephen Kohn and veteran industry lawyer Bill Singer, who is a leading advocate for Wall Street reform and the publisher of the "Securities Industry Commentator" and the " Blog."

Chair Kohn promises that:

"The Financial Professionals Coalition will elevate the industry by offering a clearinghouse of resources to help our members navigate their careers and better handle their daily personal and professional challenges. The Coalition will be inclusive and diverse; and our Founders' backgrounds reflect an amazing history of talent, accomplishment, and compassion. As such, we expect that our membership will hold many views and opinions, often at odds with each other. We welcome robust debate and the clash of ideas in the marketplace." Membership in the Financial Professionals Coalition is free and our help is available by simply logging on to our website at and submitting a confidential request.


The Financial Professionals Coalition, Ltd. is a corporation registered in the state of Colorado.

© 2023 Financial Professionals Coalition, Ltd.

For more information, press only:
Stephen Kohn
(303) 880-4304

For more information on Membership

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