
Get Your Free Cyber Evaluation

August 8, 2024

From the desk of Stephen Kohn, Founder and Chair of the Financial Professionals Coalition (, a 25-year veteran owner of a FINRA broker-dealer, a former member of FINRA’s National Adjudicatory Council and a former FINRA Governor.

The Financial Professionals Coalition, Ltd. is a diverse resource for over 1.2 million registered representatives, associated persons, traders, bankers, back-office staff, owners of broker-dealers and registered investment advisories.  The Coalition provides courtesy consultations with industry experts.
Membership is free.

No one is immune from cyberattacks.  If you’re unsure about your vulnerability, read on, and take us up on a complementary, no obligation offer, for an expert, cyber evaluation.

Enhance Cyber Compliance Through an Expert Evaluation
Part 2 of 2

Do you Know the Status of your Cyber Program?
It’s Free…

Contributing Author: Vincent Guyaux, Financial Professionals Coalition Featured Member, Founder, CISO & Chairman, Buckler

Published: 08/08/2024

In today's digital landscape, ensuring robust cybersecurity practices isn't just a best practice—it's a regulatory necessity. Financial services firms, in particular, face stringent requirements from regulators like SEC, FINRA, NYDFS, and NAIC, to name a few, to protect sensitive data and mitigate cyber risks effectively. However, many organizations struggle with demonstrating full compliance, relying on policy documents that may not translate into operational readiness when tested.

The Need for Comprehensive Cyber Compliance

The challenge lies in bridging the gap between policy creation and implementation. Often, policies drafted by well-meaning experts provide a high-level overview of regulatory requirements but lack the depth needed to withstand regulatory scrutiny during audits or incidents. This disconnect can leave firms vulnerable to penalties, reputational damage, and operational disruptions in the event of a cyber breach or regulatory inspection.

Why a FREE Cyber Compliance Scoring

To address these challenges, there's a proactive solution: a FREE cyber compliance scoring designed to evaluate and validate the effectiveness of a firm's cybersecurity program and policies. This service goes beyond mere policy review by assessing two critical factors:

  1. Maturity of the Cyber Program: Now you can ensure that the cybersecurity policies not only meet regulatory requirements but also form a cohesive framework that integrates seamlessly into the organization's operations. This includes verifying the implementation of systems to track tasks associated with policies, ensuring continuous compliance readiness.

  2. Compliance with Regulatory Standards: The evaluation comprehensively checks if the firm meets all relevant cybersecurity regulations specified by SEC, FINRA, NYDFS, and NAIC. This proactive approach ensures that firms can demonstrate evidence of compliance at any time, thereby avoiding potential accusations of negligence or non-compliance during audits or incidents.

Benefits of Getting Cyber Compliance Score

Financial services firms gain several key advantages:

â-      Insightful Evaluation: Receive a scored evaluation report that provides clear insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your current cyber compliance posture.

â-      Actionable Recommendations: Benefit from tailored recommendations on how to enhance your cyber program, allocate resources more effectively, and prioritize improvements based on regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

â-      Regulatory Alignment: Ensure alignment with the latest cybersecurity regulations, fostering confidence among stakeholders and regulators alike.

Take Charge of Your Cybersecurity Future

In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and regulatory scrutiny is heightened, proactive measures like getting a cyber compliance scoring are invaluable. This service empowers firms to not only meet regulatory expectations but also to build resilience against emerging cyber risks effectively.


With cyber threats evolving rapidly, financial services firms must fortify their defenses through comprehensive cybersecurity programs that meet regulatory standards. This cyber compliance scoring provides a crucial pathway to achieving this goal, offering expert evaluation and actionable insights that strengthen cyber resilience and regulatory compliance.

Learn More and Get Scored Today

To learn more about Buckler's Free Cyber Compliance Scoring for financial services firms and to schedule your evaluation, visit Buckler's Cyber Compliance Scoring Page.

In case  you missed it above, HERE'S THE OFFER, again:

Get A Free, Scored Evaluation Of Your Cyber Policy Documents

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